Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Swimming in Cold Water

I think talking to your kids about God is like swimming in cold water. The day is nice, it's going to be an exciting day swimming with the family and we stick our toes in the pool and our body cringes and moves away fast because the water is cold. The uncomfortableness of the cold water moves us away from the situation. We then tell the kids to have fun, play with your friends and I will be over here out of the way if you need anything.

I think talking to your kids about God is like swimming in cold water. We build up the intiative and decide that we are going to engage our kids with spiritual conversations because we know that it is important to the strength of our child's faith. And then we start to talk about God or a favorite Bible story and we get uncomfortable because we feel so inadequate to answer any questions and so we retreat, move away from the water. We decide that the church is the place that people know how to do this right and so we look to the to take the lead. And so we sit and watch from a distance.

God never designed the church to take the lead in your child's faith. Read Deutoronomy 6:6-9. God charged parents with this resposibility. Parent's partner with the church to build strong children of faith.

The purpose of this blog is to help parents have conversations about God at home. Let's journey together!